Monolithic Dome Technology

Company Profile

What are Monolithic Domes? They are super structures!

Monolithic Domes are constructed following a method that requires a tough, inflatable Airform, steel-reinforced concrete and a polyurethane foam insulation. Each of these ingredients is used in a technologically specific way.

Our domes can be designed to fit any architectural need: homes, cabins, churches, schools, gymnasiums, arenas and stadiums, bulk storages, landlord dwellings and various other privately or publicly owned facilities.

Monolithic Constructors, Inc. is an innovative dome construction company located in Italy, Texas (south of Dallas). David South is the founder and President; he has built domes for 40 years with the goal of building domes globally for all purposes but especially for the most needy.

Annual sales exceed US$50 million. The following figures are approximate, but we estimate that there are:

more than 900 Monolithic Dome homes, 50 churches, 325 storages and commercial buildings, 50+ schools,

Monolithic Domes have been built in 49 states and 53 countries.

The world now has close to 4,000 Monolithic built Domes. The latest is the National Cultural Center in Ankara, Turkey.


Indiana Concrete Council (ICC) Award 1985 for Outstanding Concrete Construction

CALAMCO (California Ammonia Company) - Award for Controlled Atmosphere Storage Facility in Stockton California 1989

Top 100 Products Award for 2002 by Construction Equipment Magazine for the Monolithic Portable Concrete Mixer

Schematic cutaway of the layers of the final Monolithic Dome

  • Foundation — The Monolithic Dome starts as a concrete ring foundation, reinforced with steel rebar. Vertical steel bars embedded in the ring later attached to the steel reinforcing of the dome itself. Small domes may use an integrated floor/ring foundation. Otherwise, the floor is poured after completion of the dome. (David South Jr)

    Airform — An Airform – fabricated to the proper shape and size – is placed on the ring base. Using blower fans, it is inflated and the Airform creates the shape of the structure to be completed. The fans run throughout construction of the dome. 

    Dazzling Lite Monolithic Dome




    Polyurethane Foam — Polyurethane foam is applied to the interior surface of the Airform. Entrance into the air-structure is made through a double door airlock which keeps the air-pressure inside at a constant level. Approximately three inches of foam is applied. The foam is also the base for attaching the steel reinforcing rebar. 

    Dazzling Lite Monolithic Dome

  • Dazzling Lite Monolithic Dome
    Steel rebar

    Steel rebar — Steel reinforcing rebar is attached to the foam using a specially engineered layout of hoop (horizontal) and vertical steel rebar. Small domes need small diameter bars with wide spacing. Large domes require larger bars with closer spacing.






    Shotcrete –special spray mix of concrete – is applied to the interior surface of the dome. The steel rebar is embedded in the concrete and when about three inches of shotcrete is applied, the Monolithic Dome is finished. The blower fans are shut off after the concrete is set.

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    Monolithic Dome Advantages [ view here ]

    Monolithic Domes are flexible. They can fill any structural need. So in addition to being designed ashomes, schools, churches, sports facilities and bulk storages, they can be factories, prisons or jails, fire stations, administrative or business offices, etc.

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